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Emily Nash

With a unique background in start-ups-to-studios, and consulting-to-corporate settings, Emily specializes in solving for unknowns, pioneering new services, and collaborating with marketers and strategists. In her community, she served on the board of American Institute for Graphic Arts as their Communications Director to help promote networking and mentorship opportunities for area designers and creatives. She’s also a co-producer for Rethink Association, a podcast for associations.

Blog Feature

By: Emily Nash
June 27th, 2022

There's no question that individual and societal experiences have shaped Gen Z. Significant events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and recent advocacy movements like Black Lives Matter, gun reform, and climate change have formulated the values of this new generation. 

Their social consciousness, thrifty, and tech-savvy priorities are attributes that associations need to take into account when building plans to drum up new membership, increase engagement, and even recruit their own new employees.

It's a given that the "one-size-fits-all" approach isn't applicable here. Organizations need tailored approaches and tools that deliver the right content in the right way to this high impact group. 

Blog Feature

By: Emily Nash
April 1st, 2022

Whether you’re looking to engage with membership or nurture newly generated leads, email automation is a valuable, relatively hands-free productivity enhancer.
In fact, 59% of marketing professionals believe they can save as much as six hours per week when email automations are configured. Another 69% say that automation in this area reduces wasted time, and 72% say it allows them to focus on high-value work. 
That's quantifiable proof that data automation works, particularly for professionals with multi-pronged program goals and less hands

Blog Feature

By: Emily Nash
July 8th, 2021

I'm a Millennial. And I can say with confidence, that even though my generational brand says I have the attention span of a goldfish, I have enough of it to write this blog 😜

So what do these generational labels really mean? How accurate are they? More importantly, how much do they come into play when it comes to your marketing efforts?

Our recent Spring VirCon 2021 session, You Sound Just Like My Mother—1.21 Gigawatts of Gen Z, which I had the fortunate opportunity to participate in, explored these questions and more, in a multi-generational, multi-disciplinary panel discussion. 

Blog Feature

By: Emily Nash
January 25th, 2021

Here’s perhaps the understatement of the century—sometimes email templates can be fussy. Who's with me on this?

I think it's fair to say that, regardless of the platform, as marketers we've all peeled back the HTML veil to try and retrofit and/or augment our templates.  We know what we want for our organization and our brand. We also know that sometimes technology just doesn't bend that way.

Understanding that time spent on marketing strategy versus template rewiring is always a better bet, we've created what we call the "Template Pak" for one of the leading email automation platforms we offer, Adestra.

Blog Feature

By: Emily Nash
January 6th, 2021

The beginning of a new year always brings an air of excitement, and we’re not sure there’s ever been a year we’re more anxious to welcome in than 2021. We’ve taken a look back at lessons learned from 2020 and compiled six hot takes for you to consider prioritizing in the new year so that you're making the most of new opportunities.

Blog Feature

By: Emily Nash
December 17th, 2020

Here at HighRoad, our mission is not only to equip associations with the latest and greatest marketing technology solutions but to empower associations with the data and insights that will take their outreach efforts to the next level.

We continually strive to be the go-to source for all things trending in the association world: from marketing best practices to challenges unique to associations, we're here to help solve problems and innovate solutions.