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Blog Feature

By: Liz Mackenzie
August 17th, 2017

It’s no secret that the demand for marketing to be more personal is getting stronger by the minute.  People are receiving too many emails from too many companies and organizations are struggling to set themselves apart from the others. Associations alike are under constant pressure to capture new members and retain existing ones thus, driving the need for more personalized messaging. 

Blog Feature

By: Leslie Schiff
August 10th, 2017

“If you build it, they will come” may work for Hollywood farmers, but that same magic rarely applies to launching a website. In reality, building an online presence requires an equal – if not greater – investment in advertising tactics that will convince your target audience to give you a click.
Ready to grow.jpg

This article was authored by Matt Bradford, and orginally published by the Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE).
Click here to view original post. 

Blog Feature

By: Katie Campbell
August 9th, 2017

Social media is nothing new in today's digital marketing world. You’ve heard of all the big ones, there's Twitter and LinkedIn or maybe you’re using an Instagram account for your upcoming event, or you are regularly posting content every week to your Facebook. With the ever evolving world of technology that we live in, sometimes it is hard to keep up with the new terminology that seems to be going in affect every other week, and even harder to learn where and how to implement that terminology.

Blog Feature

By: Liz Mackenzie
August 7th, 2017

Many non-profit websites experience mediocre conversions because they send traffic to their home pages or to an ordinary page with a form on it. Driving traffic, whether through paid advertisements or social media campaigns, exacts a cost in either money or time. Of course, time is money if your digital marketing person is paid a wage or salary. Therefore, you want to make the most of your efforts by sending traffic to landing pages designed for specific campaigns.

Blog Feature

By: Emily Nash
August 2nd, 2017

At the end of this blog you’ll walk away with the complete anatomy of what it takes to engage, share, and convert with a social media marketing plan. With any good social media strategy, there is a great content strategy behind it. So first, let’s consider what kind of new and fresh content you are creating on a regular basis. Usually the content is a blog - like this one! Another great initiative would be to create video on member testimonials for example. Then, create a blog based off that video, consider cutting the video into bite-size consumable pieces for social media sharing, and include the video on your YouTube channel and website homepage.

Blog Feature

By: Emily Nash
July 26th, 2017

Raise your hand if you have the bad habit of constantly having too many tabs open. As marketers, it simply comes with the territory. We have 16 different logins for seven different social media channels and then another one open to schedule and publish across those channels. We have one tab open for our email platform, another for our Association Management Software - all while Slack is constantly pinging us for project updates (and the latest funny memes). And when our computer decides to automatically restart because we hit the threshold, it's like a cold splash of water in the face.

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