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Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
September 20th, 2016

As marketers our goal is to generate a steady stream of high quality leads which will in turn produce greater revenue.  The infographic below shows how marketing automation can help us achieve this.

Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
September 19th, 2016


Marketers are busy people.  It seems you can never get everything done on your to-do list.  There is a solution and that solution is marketing automation.  Marketing automation is software that helps you execute your tasks in a faster and more efficient way.  In addition, marketing automation allows you to personalize your marketing efforts in order to generate better quality leads.  But once you have the software how do you use it to best serve your needs and to deliver the results you're looking for?  We found this article at Hubspot "What Is Marketing Automation-A Beginner's Guide".  Written by Alyssa Rimmer, the article explains in greater detail what marketing automation is and how to effectively use it.

Blog Feature

By: Liz Mackenzie
September 16th, 2016

You want to keep track of the content you have on your website. It is important that you have a summary of each of the details regarding your online content strategy.  We created the Web Content Audit Tool to help you audit your content strategy and determine what needs to be created, modified, or updated. This tool enables you to enter the type of content, number of views, location, target audience, and more. This data will then be presented to you in an easy-to-read and share format. This is a great organizational tool that will help you understand and keep inventory of your current web content moving forward.

Blog Feature

By: Suzanne Carawan
September 15th, 2016

Marketing Funnel that HighRoad Can Help Your Association to Get Right

The marketing automation craze has finally hit the association market! Whether you're getting calls from vendors that you've never heard of, or hearing about great metrics that other associations are getting, everyone seems to want to talk about marketing automation! Since we are the only digital agency in the association space that provides implementation, integration and strategic consulting services around marketing automation (and because we offer more than 1 platform, we aren't biased towards only pushing one software product), we thought we should step up to the plate and offer to everyone the basics of marketing automation in a free workshop.

Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
September 14th, 2016

Marketing Automation allows you to segment your audience by using the data you already have about them.  You can then personalize their experience with your organization.  The infographic below shows a basic outline of how marketing automation can personalize the sales cycle.  Marketing and sales teams can then target leads faster and more effectively.

Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
September 13th, 2016


Being able to target promising leads through the use of personas is a crucial part of any successful inbound marketing campaign.  Compiling strong data-backed profiles enable you to target prospective buyers in a more focused and relevant way.  With personas, marketing and sales teams are able to create targeted strategies which attract higher quality leads and allow for a faster transition through the conversion funnel.  Our partner BrightInfo, has an article written by Alex Embling, that explains how data-backed personas can shorten the sales cycle.