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Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
September 29th, 2016


If your organization is accumulating a growing list of leads with email addresses, it's probably time to take a look at marketing tools that will ensure effective digital interactions with those leads.  There are many options available for marketing software tools.  Before you start looking at vendors and software platforms, you might want to begin with a basic question.  What is the difference between email marketing and marketing automation?  Yes, they are two different things.  Both email marketing and marketing automation use email as the primary channel to communicate and engage with your audience.  However, email software only tracks the actions taken by recipients of your email.  Marketing automation software moniters every digital interaction a lead has with your organization.  Aleksandr Peterson at Act-On has written an article in which he breaks down the differences between these two types of software systems in much greater detail.  This article is a good resource to help you decide which system will best meet your needs.

Blog Feature

By: Kathryn Fisher
September 28th, 2016

HighRoad completed their Marketing Automation Workshop and the buzz in the room seemed to be people noticing how different an email marketing platform and a marketing automation platform really are…

Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
September 28th, 2016

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach that focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant content in order to attract and retain an audience.  Implementing content marketing into your existing marketing strategy can help to increase your number of leads and ultimately your revenue.  The infographic below shows five good reasons why content marketing should be an important piece of your overall marketing strategy and some best practices to get you started.

Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
September 23rd, 2016

We have released our 2016 State Of Digital Marketing In Associations report.  In this benchmark report non-profit organizations can see how they compare to other non-profits in their digital marketing efforts.  This is our third annual digital marketing report in a row, so in addition we also have trend data to share.  Learn how your organization compares to other non-profits as Demand Metric Chief Analyst Jerry Rackley and our own CMO Suzanne Carawan discuss the results of this groundbreaking report.  If you missed this Analyst Brief Webinar it's not too late.  It is always available On-Demand at HighRoad U.



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If you haven't yet viewed the Report, please take a look!

Download the 2016 State of Digital Marketing in Associations Report

Blog Feature

By: Suzanne Carawan
September 23rd, 2016

I'm either proud or ashamed (on any given day it varies) to say that I've been in and out of the association world for about 20 years so I have a certain longitudinal perspective on trends and certainly, on digital technology adoption. I worked at National League for Nursing way back in 1996 while I was studying at Columbia in an admin role and the only reason we had a computer was for email.  Over the course of twenty years, I was here for the advent of websites moving from brochureware to content management systems and was on the front wave when social media and mobile hit.

I've worked on every type of software product that associations use and how to best apply these to business challenges. What that translates into is hundreds of completed projects and probably more that weren't completed because of shifting priorities, summer Fridays off and slashed budgets. Hundreds? Yes, I mean hundreds and that probably equates to thousands of meetings spent consulting with associations cross-departmentally to understand how their normal course of business can translate to digital, how digital can be used to promote, measure and increase their brand reach and how workflow processes change when digital is central to the process.

So here we are in 2016 and I'm fascinated to see that there is a new trend emerging that is busting up the predominant philosophy that has governed association management thinking for the last 20 years:

Stop the do-it-yourself (DIY) madness and outsource the work.

Blog Feature

By: Maneesha Manges
September 21st, 2016

If you’re planning on joining us in person or virtually for our Marketing Automation Workshop tomorrow, here are a couple of things to consider while Adam and I share our insights: