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Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
June 9th, 2016

As marketers, we spend time looking at many different types of metrics.  We look at website visits, conversion rates, generated leads per channel, email click-through rates, and many more.  When the time comes to present the results of our efforts to the boss, we can't present everything.  There are however, six critical marketing metrics that matter most.  If you missed this Toolkit, or would simply like to review it again, take a look at our Marketing Metrics Toolkit and discover which marketing metrics matter most to the boss, and how to calculate them. Our Toolkits are always available at HighRoadU.

Blog Feature

By: Aaron Kapaun
June 8th, 2016


If you are like me, this time of year sparks that inner drive to do some serious purging and cleaning.  It’s a time for cleaning and clearing out the old to make way for the new.  Whether in the garage, the storage closet or on your desktop, this is a good time the year to go through the archives and clear out things that aren’t used anymore and/or reorganize them.   The same can be said in Digital Marketing.  If you haven’t already done so, it’s a good time to go through your lists and tidy things up a bit.  Using old lists can have a negative effect on your deliverability especially if you aren’t keeping up with proper hygiene.  Here are some handy Do’s and Don’ts from our Team at HighRoad.

Blog Feature

By: Liz Mackenzie
June 6th, 2016

May's Implementing a Marketing Automation Solution toolkit was designed to provide practical advice for designing a Marketing Automation strategy, aligning Sales & Marketing processes, and implementing a Marketing Automation solution. Review this toolkit to understand how to implement a Marketing Automation infrastructure that will provide a consistent supply of qualified leads to your organization.

Blog Feature

By: Liz Mackenzie
June 3rd, 2016

Have you noticed the influx of non-traditional association professionals into the industry? Are you new to the association world and feel like you've landed on the Moon? It's true, the worlds of for-profit and non-profit are merging together due to the need for businesses to realign around the customer experience.

Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
June 2nd, 2016


Communities can be an excellent tool for increasing member retention and acquisition.  This is true only if your members find value in being a part of your community.  By being responsive to their concerns, you improve their experience and increase your value to them.  In order to be responsive to your members needs, you first need to discover what those needs are.  By watching their conversations and looking for common themes, you can learn what your members are thinking and anticipate what they need.  Heather McNair, at Higher Logic, has written an article that describes in detail how to predict your members needs and then address those needs with relevant content.

Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
June 2nd, 2016

We are now living in a digital world.  So our marketing campaigns have to include effective digital strategies.  The infographic below provides 29 tips for constructing a successful digital marketing campaign.