Jeanette Hausner
June 24th, 2016
Your association is sitting on a gold mine. The mine is your Association Management System(AMS), and the gold is the member data within it. All the information that you have already gathered about your members can be used to greatly increase engagement rates with them. Using this data can also increase your overall membership numbers. Angie Karpouzis, at Aptify, has written an article on how to best utilize your existing member data in order to better understand who your members are, and what they need.
Maneesha Manges
June 23rd, 2016
I’ve been singing the praises of persona development since the day I started at HighRoad and I’m seeing that the market is starting to pick up that same message – I see a lot of conference sessions reference the value and importance of persona development, which is fantastic! Organizations (not just the marketing team), need to know who they’re targeting if they want to be able to market effectively. More importantly, and this is why personas matter, you really need to understand what motivates and drives your target audiences. What are they interested in? How do they spend their day? What are their pain points? How do they consume the information you send them? What information do they consume? Are they extroverts or introverts? Are they likely to respond to social media outreach or do they prefer traditional email? How much free time do they have? Are they Baby Boomers, Millennials or Gen X and does that matter when it comes to promoting your programs?
Jeanette Hausner
June 22nd, 2016
These days everyone is online. As marketers, we need to incorporate multiple digital strategies in order to continue to find new leads. The Infographic below spells out 9 tried and true digital marketing tactics needed to increase lead generation.
Liz Mackenzie
June 17th, 2016
Download our June toolkit, just released, which will help you select the markets that represent the best opportunity for your organization.
Suzanne Carawan
June 14th, 2016
HighRoad Answers Association Demand for Lead Generation Expertise
HighRoad Solution, the only digital agency focused exclusively on associations to offer email, automation and inbound marketing services announced that Maneesha Manges has joined the agency as the Director of Consulting. HighRoad made the announcement at the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE)"s Membership, Marketing & Communications Conference being held this week in Washington, DC.
Suzanne Carawan
June 13th, 2016
Today kicks off ASAE's Marketing, Membership & Communications Conference at the DC Convention Center. From the association technology vendor viewpoint, this has long been thought of as a low investment show. One where you have to show up, but you minimize your spend and don't make a big splash because it doesn't usually draw the technology people whom have long been the traditional buyers of software. Due to lack of big budgets and being seen as an influencer of technology purchases, but not a decision-maker, MMC professionals traditionally have not been seen as power players in the association industry. This observation is backed up by our research which found that a small margin of associations have a MMCer at the VP level and an even smaller percentage of the already small percentage have an MMCer with a title that begins with the word "Chief".