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Blog Feature

By: Maneesha Manges
June 26th, 2020

Data-based marketing is nothing new. All marketing is based on some data. Before you reach out to any audience, you have to know a little about what makes them tick.

And everything you know counts as data. Their likes, their dislikes, their needs, their preferences. Their goals and the obstacles to their goals. All of these are data points that will help you produce a targeted, effective method.

Blog Feature

By: Aimee Pagano
May 29th, 2020

We all know that every crisis is an opportunity, but there are some crises that are so vast that it’s hard to see a silver lining.

2020 has offered a once-in-a-generation crisis, with a tragic pandemic leading to global economic uncertainty. It’s a tough time for professionals and a tough time for businesses, which is why associations are more important now than ever.

Blog Feature

By: Aimee Pagano
April 24th, 2020

Every purchasing decision happens at the end of a journey. When you buy a sandwich, it’s because you felt hungry, you thought about your food options, and you decided that the best available choice was a sandwich.

Association members follow the same process when they’re making decisions about attending events, renewing their membership, or getting certified. Their journey begins with the realization that they need something to help their career or their personal aspirations. Ideally, that journey ends―and another one begins―when they engage with your association.