The Millennial Marketing Guide to 2018
This time of year feels like one big Hallo-Giving-Mas-New-Year holiday; and by that we mean it will be a new year before we can finish our pumpkin spiced lattes. And because Christmas ornaments have been out at Target since August, we think it’s fair to start planning for 2018.
Managing Micro-Moments
Micro-moments are the million tiny moments we spend on our mobile phones everyday. In those moments potential recruitable members expect associations to cater to their needs with reliable information pretty much 24/7 according to Think with Google.
The winners in 2018 will have anticipated and addressed these micro-moment needs for the 96% of users reaching for their smartphones to conduct their research.
One way to show up during the moment of research for your potential members is be there on search via pay-per-click ads (the ads you see at the top of a Search Engine Results Page - SERP). Ask HighRoad how you could be eligible for a monthly grant with Google pay-per-click ads.
Greater Emphasis on Video
You may have noticed stories and videos are everywhere and brands are increasingly becoming more sophisticated with engaging, on-brand, messaging and storytelling with their video advertising. The brands experiencing growth and success in 2018 will have a video engagement plan. Even if you are just getting started organically with posts to Instagram, you can at least begin building performance metrics on your efforts. Should you venture onto the world’s second largest search engine, YouTube, your impressions are free until someone clicks on your ad; meaning free brand awareness!
For associations, video content can include behind-the-scenes set up at a conference, speaker promos, member testimonials, and more.
Growth, recruitment, and prospecting, and the need for greater strategic content creation for brands are all the focus in 2018, but personalization is an opportunity to serve up custom content to your personas on your website, in your emails, and across your platforms. It creates greater brand loyalty when you can utilize marketing automation to serve up a desired web page to a prospective member on your website, or deliver a specific message after a conversion via a drip campaign - which equals greater sales, growth and eventually brand advocates.
Data-Driven Decisions
Among your technology stack are tools that include: Google Analytics, an association management system (AMS), an email platform, social media analytics, and possibly marketing automation (such as HighRoad Marketing Cloud). Each platform is providing data points to help drive decisions for conversions. It’s time to incorporate the data you have with marketing automation for greater visibility of the digital footprint each of your recruitable members has with your online properties. Not convinced? Harnessing big data in your organization is 3 times more likely to improve decision-making processes.
Digital Transformation (DX)
The digital transformation organizations are undergoing is no joke. We are seeing massive disruption in the way businesses are carrying out business growth goals and ongoing engagement initiatives. The best advice we can offer is to not resist the change and to go with the flow.
We are seeing massive adoptions of new software systems that can begin to tackle some of the trends we are seeing shape up for 2018. This isn’t an all inclusive list, but just the beginning of some of the things coming down the pipeline for organizations focused on growth. Since millennials are among the adaptive generation, they will be equipped to weather the massive shift towards the Internet of Things (IoT) and measuring everything digital. What sort of trends are you forecasting for in the next year?
About Emily Nash
With a unique background in start-ups-to-studios, and consulting-to-corporate settings, Emily specializes in solving for unknowns, pioneering new services, and collaborating with marketers and strategists. In her community, she served on the board of American Institute for Graphic Arts as their Communications Director to help promote networking and mentorship opportunities for area designers and creatives. She’s also a co-producer for Rethink Association, a podcast for associations.