How to Change Without Changing
I had a call today with an association who has hired new team members to help focus on members retention and growth.
As we were about to wrap up, she said something to me (which I have heard many times before) but it was the first time I heard it worded this way:
She said, “I was hired to focus on members and growth but this is the first time I have been with an association that wants social media to be a main communication channel with our members. This theory is great and I know that is where we need to move but then I am put up against ‘we’ve done it this way for as long as we can remember why change it?!’ Then they turn around and complain at how different Millennials are and how they don’t understand why they can’t reach them. So we sit here not wanting to change but complain about not being able to reach millennials….”
I couldn’t help but chuckle a little bit at the irony of their situation but mostly her causal recognition of the issue and luckily, she laughed too. So, from there our conversation quickly shifted to how we could help her show her executive team how badly they needed to change.
I could have left her with some toolkits on change management and how she could budget for new tools to use and take back to her boss but instead we decided to go with HighRoad’s Optimum 5 program, which is perfect for a scenario like this. When you need change it is best to first look at all current efforts for what is and isn’t working. Find a consultant to:
- Review your current strategy/pain points
- Hear your upcoming strategic goals
- Learn about your target market
- Review your content
- Look at what technologies you are using
From there, a consultant would deliver a written report with recommendations for you and a roadmap. After all, if you don’t want to change then look into what you are currently doing that works.