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Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
November 14th, 2016

Blogging is an important aspect of digital marketing.  If you would like to be able to benchmark your organization's capability for blogging, download the Blogging Maturity Assessment Toolkit.

Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
October 13th, 2016

We have just released our new Toolkit of the Month.  This Toolkit is designed to help you by providing your sales team with a quick reference guide for competitive product intelligence.  You can use this Toolkit to compare products by evaluating their features and identifying what differentiates them.  By doing this you will be able to gain quick insight into competitive products.  This Toolkit is an easy to use reference for your sales team and will aid them in their sales negotiations.

Blog Feature

By: Liz Mackenzie
September 16th, 2016

You want to keep track of the content you have on your website. It is important that you have a summary of each of the details regarding your online content strategy.  We created the Web Content Audit Tool to help you audit your content strategy and determine what needs to be created, modified, or updated. This tool enables you to enter the type of content, number of views, location, target audience, and more. This data will then be presented to you in an easy-to-read and share format. This is a great organizational tool that will help you understand and keep inventory of your current web content moving forward.

Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
July 30th, 2016


Over the last decade SEO has changed a lot.  These changes include how people perform searches, how search engines index and rank pages, and how marketers can influence search engines to send web traffic to their site.  In fact, SEO has changed so much that many marketers aren't sure what works and what doesn't.  There is a lot of misinformation out there pertaining to SEO and best practices.  At HighRoadU, we have put together this toolkit to debunk the 17 most common myths and misinformation about how SEO works along with solid tips from some experts on how to get it right.  So if you find yourself uncertain at times on what you should or shouldn't be doing to improve your website's SEO, this toolkit may be exactly what you need.

Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
July 23rd, 2016

Today, more and more organizations are utilizing automation tools.  So the question isn't whether your organization needs marketing automation, but rather which marketing automation solution would be the best fit for your organization's needs.  We created this toolkit so you can compare vendor solutions and pick the one that will serve your organization best.  By using our toolkit, you will be able to rank marketing automation vendors based on their ability to fullfill your organization's unique requirements.  If your organization is thinking about marketing automation, this toolkit will help you decide which marketing automation vendor is best for you.

Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
July 21st, 2016


Personas are fictional, generalized representations of existing and potential customers.  By creating personas to represent various groups of people, you can tailor your content to targeted segments of your audience, thereby increasing your marketing effectiveness.  Our Toolkit of the Month: Personas, explains in more detail what personas are, how to create them, and why they are important for your organization.