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Liz Mackenzie

Blog Feature

By: Liz Mackenzie
May 8th, 2017

Research Evidences Digital Transformation in the Non-Profit Industry


Blog Feature

By: Liz Mackenzie
April 28th, 2017

ASAE MM&C is right around the corner and we're very excited!  We're looking forward to joining you for this great event and we hope we'll see you there.  We at HighRoad have so much to talk about this year but here are just a few of them:

Blog Feature

By: Liz Mackenzie
April 25th, 2017

So, firstly, what is content marketing? Essentially, the basic definition is any marketing centered on the creation, publication, and distribution of online content for your ideal customer and targeted audience. This can include blogs, videos, photos, social media posts that your target will find valuable, informative, instructional, or entertaining. However, unlike other marketing, it is not explicit self-promotion. While the ultimate purpose is promoting your brand, or creating an interest in your product or service, this is accomplished by providing for the informational and entertainment needs of existing and prospective customers. 


Blog Feature

By: Liz Mackenzie
March 20th, 2017


Inbound Marketing may sound like the latest business buzzword, but it's here to stay and it's time to make the switch. So, how will this switch affect your business?

Blog Feature

By: Liz Mackenzie
March 17th, 2017

2017-03-06 15_29_54-Video Infographic! State of Digital Marketing in Associations Survey.png 

Thanks to our partners at Demand Metric, we're able to capture the story of where associations are in today's world of digital. We urge you to participate so that we can continue our research & share market trends with you.

Blog Feature

By: Liz Mackenzie
March 10th, 2017

Association Palooza is bringing leading DC-area association executives back to the table for provocative conversations about digital transformation in the association industry. Association executives attend for free. Enjoy lunch, learning, networking—and even earn CAE credits! Featuring speakers and experts from the association community.