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Jenny Lassi

Blog Feature

By: Jenny Lassi
May 28th, 2015

The BIGGEST pain point of email deliverability is understanding why a particular subscriber didn't receive the message. Before I get into Invalid/Ineligible email handling in BlueHornet's platform, here is a quick checklist of questions to ask yourself:

  1. When you search for the subscriber, do you find them? If not, chances are they opted out and that is the reason.
  2. Was the subscriber in the list you sent the email to? If not, then that's your reason.
  3. Was the subscriber in any list you may have excluded or suppressed in the email send? If so, then that is your reason. 
  4. Is the subscriber record flagged as Invalid or Ineligible in your email system? If so, then that is your reason. Please read on for more about this annoying email marketing pain point.
  5. Did your email system deliver the email to the subscriber but they still claim it didn't make it to their inbox or spam folder? If so, then ask what spam filters they're currently using on their email filter and ask that they whitelist your IP address and domain on their email server filters to allow in your emails. They are most likely getting quarantined by the email server filters.

Blog Feature

By: Jenny Lassi
April 22nd, 2015

It’s officially spring and time to clean house. The three most important things you can do this spring to clean up your email practices right now are:

  1. Run your lists through an email validation service.
  2. Launch an email permission campaign to motivate inactive subscribers who have not opened/clicked to engage with your organization.
  3. Launch an email engagement campaign for engaged subscribers or include a strong call-to-action (CTA) on your usually email stream to incent subscribers to open/click on your CTA.

Let’s put our gloves and dust mask on because we’re about to shake up some dust and clean house!

Looking For More About Deliverability?

Download Deliverability Learning Kit

Blog Feature

By: Jenny Lassi
April 10th, 2015

You know those fun emojis you use in text messages on your phone? Did you know you can use those special characters in your email subject lines?

The following guide will help you make your subject lines pop (or dance, or drink, or whichever emoji you choose).

The only way to ensure that special characters render properly and consistently in a subject line is to encode in UTF-8.

Blog Feature

By: Jenny Lassi
February 20th, 2015

The mission statement for your association/non-profit is your mantra. The underlying mission of association professionals is to offer information/events that supports the mission while simultaneously increasing membership and revenue.

How do you increase membership and revenue?

Automate. Everything. Period.

Why? So you can reallocate resources to analyze communication engagement metrics, collect data, test, focus on strategy to increase membership and revenue.

In our 2014 State of Digital Marketing in Associations Research Report (conducted by our partner Demand Metric, the leader in digital marketing research & analysis) 81% of association professionals who participated said email is considered the most effective tactic for association marketing. 98% said email marketing is the most frequently used marketing tactic. The email channel owners are Marketing/Communications hands down.

The HUGE elephant in the room we help identify for associations every day is how to merge the gap between IT/programmatic approaches to data/email automation and the Marketing/Communications team that creates content and launch Emails.

The end result is automation.

Bottom line, Marketing/Communications should focus on crafting stellar content once (on your website) and letting automation do your segmentation and launch the newsletter pulling content from your website. Publishing content on your website and recreating the content in a newsletter is a waste of your valuable time. Automation is the only thing that makes sense if your website has RSS feed capabilities.

Join us Friday, February 27th, 2015 for a webinar on automation using a HighRoad/NFIB real world case study to see how the ROI on automation will win you over. 
New Call-to-action
Save time.
Save money.
Do good work.

Blog Feature

By: Jenny Lassi
January 7th, 2015

January 9, 2015 3pm EST

Many people make New Year’s resolutions for their personal health, but what about your email program? It’s critical to make a concerted effort each year to go through the process of “out with the old, in with the new” to protect your email reputation and honor the brand trust you’ve built with your subscribers. Join this webinar to learn the elements of a re-permissioning campaign, why you need to do it and what you can expect from it.

Blog Feature

By: Jenny Lassi
November 4th, 2014

All marketers have been tempted by the idea of purchasing a 3rd party list or using a co-registered list to cast the widest possible net while prospecting new members or marketing an event to members/non-members.