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Jeanette Hausner

By: Jeanette Hausner on June 12th, 2017

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4 Strategies To Promote Lasting Member Engagement

membership marketing | member engagement

mailto:demo@example.com?Subject=HighRoad Solutions - interesting article

4 Strategies To Promote Lasting Member Engagement 6-12-17.jpg

An association's ability to attract new members is essential for it's continued growth and success.  As association marketers, you spend a great deal of time and effort promoting your association and what it has to offer.  What you may not spend nearly enough time on is member engagement and retention.  It's important to note that the cost to an organization to aquire a new member is 7 times greater than the cost to retain one.  Membership retention is just as vital to your organization's continued success as member aquisition. Does your association have a documented strategy for member retention?  If your answer is no or not really, we have found an article at Aptify that can help.  Written by Jennifer Barrell, this article contains 4 strategies to keep your members engaged and satisfied with their membership.  Engaged and satisfied members are far more likely to remain members.

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Would you like to learn more ways to increase membership?  Check our our HighRoad U Webinar:  Using Digital Advertising For Membership Growth.

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