4 Quick Tips: How To Increase Attendance And Engagement Through Email Marketing And Social Media
Email Marketing | Content, Social & Digital Marketing | best practices | associations
Because events drive a significant amount of revenue in member driven organizations, encouraging attendance and engagement is a key strategy for organizations. Email is one of the most effective ways to do so as it can reach mobile users, keep customers informed and is relatively easy to customize.
“According to McKinsey and Company, email far surpasses the social media giants where generating customers is concerned—in fact, it’s 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter. That might seem surprising, considering the number of people who actively engage on social on a daily basis, but it’s easy to understand how email facilitates a quieter, more intimate, and (most importantly) less distracting environment for a conversation or transaction. Beyond that, the company cites the fact that, (as of 2014,) “ninety-one percent of all US consumers still [used] email daily.””
-The Top 10 Stats from 2016 that Show the Importance of Email Marketing
Although research shows that email marketing is more effective than social media, it is still important to encourage members and customers to get engaged online. Social media marketing helps to validate your brand and have a direct line of communication with members - start #tweeting!
Here are 4 quick tips about how to send smarter, garner more attendees and engage your members through email marketing and social media!
- Be Relevant
- Target people who show interest
- Segment by location - consider zip code targeting
- Personalization is important
- Don’t Be Anti-Social
- Encourage social sharing to members
- Use hashtags to increase engagement and gather data
- Create Campaigns
- Engage new members to attend events
- Consider member start date and get them engaged early and often
- Target Hot Leads
- Don’t blast your email list
- Send and share to those who are more likely to attend and don’t let them get away
*Information courtesy of Email Marketing to Increase Event Attendance