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Blog Feature

By: Katie Campbell
July 19th, 2017

Without a good workflow, marketing automation can only work so well. These are things that within the association world, many have yet to taken advantage of! Implementing a good workflow into your marketing automation can be the difference between having an influx of new member activity or not. 

Blog Feature

By: Arielle Irizarry
June 30th, 2017

The marketing world is changing and marketers are getting smart about how they invest their efforts. More and more marketers are equipping themselves with Marketing Automation platforms to become data driven and efficient. Gone are the days when productivity was based on high email volumes. Now we know that it isn't about how many emails go out but how many interested users are reached and pushed down the funnel. Marketing Automation opens up the door to workflows that do just that, push interested users down a funnel to the point of conversion. Here is a quick guide on how to use workflows to entice interested users down the funnel.