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Jenny Lassi

By: Jenny Lassi on June 2nd, 2017

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Re-Engage with your Constituents Now!

mailto:demo@example.com?Subject=HighRoad Solutions - interesting article

In a recent data analysis of association metrics, my mind was blown!

Average Invalid Subscribers = 12.6%

Average Non-Engaged in 6-months/180-days = 72.6%

Average Non-Engaged in 1-year/365-days = 58.6%

Really? Really? So over half of your email list is going out to subscribers who haven't clicked or opened your emails in over a year. Really? Yes... really. That's a staggering metric with equally staggering $$$$ signs behind it.

The important part of learning new information is using it for the greater good and to positively impact future business decisions. So now you know and here is what you can do about it...

Reach out to your non-engaged audience now through mid-July with the sole purpose of motivating them to open and/or click through with a Win-Back campaign.


If you don't already have an automated drip campaign in place that reaches out to non-engaged subscribers, you will need to start with a manual send, then create the automated drip to catch all non-engaged once the manual Win-Back has completed its roll-out.

The reason any manual send should be wrapped up by mid July is because that is the time ISPs are starting to make their inbox algorithm more restrictive and are taking in engagement factors into that algorithm. We don't advise that you are sending to a non-engaged audience at the same time things are getting more restrictive. Make sense? If not, contact your Client Success Manager for help or to learn more.