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Katie Campbell

By: Katie Campbell on August 22nd, 2017

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And The 2017 Summit Award Goes To...

asae | 2017 summit award winners | NCBH

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As the excitement from this year’s ASAE Annual conference winds down, that does not mean ASAE, or the associations a part of the organization, are slowing down.


ASAE has released the list of associations that were outstanding enough to be a part of the 2017 ASAE Power of A Awards. These awards were created by ASAE to “showcase how associations leverage their unique resources to solve problems, advance industry/professional performance, kickstart innovation and improve world conditions. Associations are involved in activities every day that make a substantial, positive impact on our lives.” – ASAE2017 ASAE Power of A Awards

This year HighRoad was fortunate enough to work with one of these outstanding associations. This association, through their selfless dedication to others and hard work, was chosen as one of the 6 associations listed as a 2017 ASAE Power of A Awards Summit Award Winners.

National Council for Behavioral Health was chosen for their Be 1 in a Million campaign. A campaign earned the award though “successfully met its goal of doubling the number of trained Mental Health First Aiders to 1 million, doubling the impact of a program created to empower everyday people to identify and support individuals who are experiencing a mental health or substance abuse challenge.” – National Council

“Mental Health First Aid is about people. It’s about our coworkers and our neighbors. It’s about our family and our friends. It’s about the people with whom we worship and with whom we play. We want to help. We want to do the right thing, to say the right thing, to help stop the struggle and end the pain,” said Linda Rosenberg, president and CEO of the National Council. “This is where Mental Health First Aid comes in. It helps us answer the question, ‘What can I do?’”

We here at HighRoad are honored to be working alongside such influential associations such as National Council! Congratulations to them and all other associations for earning such a prestigious award!