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Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
January 11th, 2017

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It can be difficult for marketers to successfully navigate today's digital landscape.  Here at HighRoad, we understand your pain.  That's why we created our educational initiative and named it HighRoad U.  At the U we have all our past webinars On-Demand and available for free anytime.  Our webinars span a multitude of digital marketing topics and are a convenient way to earn free CAE credits while learning digital marketing best practices.  Each month we cover a different topic.  During the month of January we will be exploring the topic of using webinars for lead generation.  Organizations are embracing webinars because they are a very effective content tool for driving lead gen.  The webinars we will present this month are:

Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
December 1st, 2016


Today consumers expect to be offered personalized content.  They want content and communications that directly pertain to their interests and needs.  The technology now exists to provide this, and they know it.  What are your organization's marketing capabilities? Are you still sending bulk emails to everyone on your list?  Is your website not yet optimised to provide interactive content?  If so, now is the time to learn how to capitalize on current technology to provide a better customer experience in order to grow your organization. This month at HighRoad U we will be focusing on personalization, how to do it and why you need it.  Be sure to join us each Friday at 3pm ET as we explain how to incorporate personalization into your marketing strategy and why it is so important to do so.  

Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
November 8th, 2016

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Content marketing is an important element of any marketing strategy.  There are many different forms of content that can be created. This webinar focuses on one type of content in particular, eBooks, and why they are an important type of content to produce.  EBooks are essentially books that are available in digital form and they are a powerful way to generate leads.  Lead generation is vital to promoting your brand and growing your revenue and membership.  This webinar, presented by Maneesha Manges, explains why eBooks are so effective for lead generation, how to leverage digital marketing to increase their exposure, and some ideas for what types of eBooks your organization can create.  If you missed this webinar, it is now available On-Demand at HighRoadU.

Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
September 12th, 2016


It seems everyone is talking about marketing automation these days.  More and more organizations are implementing and using it in their marketing strategies.  When it comes to choosing a marketing automation system, there are many options available.  It can be confusing trying to figure out which platform will best serve your organization's needs.  If you are thinking about making the move to marketing automation, sit down with us for an hour as we discuss what marketing automation can do for you and what you need to consider before choosing a platform.  Our webinar "What To Consider In A Marketing Automation Platform" is free and always available On-Demand at HighRoad U.