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Interested in partnering?

While associations are superior at collecting and managing data, executing on truly data-driven marketing plans continue to pose as challenges for them. They need to go beyond just ‘managing’ their data into the realm of translating their data into thoughtful, persona-based recruitment and/or retention strategies. While the ‘why’ may be obvious to most associations at this point. The ‘how’ doesn’t always follow suit.
That’s where we come in. We help associations make the most of their data by prescribing the right email marketing and marketing automation platforms in support of their needs and objectives.
Specifically, through our tried-and-true methodology, we provide associations: 
  • The right digital platform(s) to support their goals
  • Connectivity between their data and your AMS 
  • The digital expertise to help them maximize their marketing technology stack
In the end, you hold your client’s data. We help your client’s put the right tools and the right plan in place to help them turn their data into results. 

Talk to us about partnership

Learn about MA vs EA