BAM! (Better Association Marketing) from HighRoad Solution

How To Get The Most Out of CPA Office Hours

Written by Emily Nash | 8/8/17 1:30 PM

As part of our HighRoad User training initiative, we offer office hours with a marketing expert once a month. Over the last few months, we have even narrowed that down and added an office hour session for all of the CPA Societies. In that session you can expect to find me, your Client Success Manager for many of the CPA Societies answering your questions, demonstrating new offerings, and troubleshooting technical issues. Often we also have my technical colleague on that call as well to help with any integration questions and more technical inquiries.

Since it is an open forum via Zoom, I will often share my screen to demonstrate a product feature, or demonstrate a new platform. If you have a specific set of questions, it wouldn’t hurt to write them down. If you have screenshots of examples of program questions, include those in the word doc as well. Then either share them on your screen - or send them to me ahead of time! You can also indicate a topic of interest when you sign up.

Topics we have covered have included deliverability of emails (unsubscribes, invalids, etc.), reasons to migrate to Adestra Message Focus, automation sequences, and more. We have also discussed best practices for sending out automated emails, types of automation sequences, and workflows with landing pages for lead generation. Since anything marketing related is on the table during these office hours, they vary from month to month.

Beyond technical product questions, we can discuss campaign ideation for lead generation around an event, new member workflows, and new ways to generate leads in general. From small teams to large Societies, chances are you are not alone in what you are experiencing - so speak up. I’m there to facilitate an opportunity to brain dump, troubleshoot, and offer guidance about the best products for your mix.

Many times the benefit comes from hearing what other Societies are experiencing and learning from their challenges. The next CPA Office Hours is Wednesday, August 23rd at 3:00 pm ET. See you there!