BAM! (Better Association Marketing) from HighRoad Solution

Holiday Inbox Magic

Written by Jenny Lassi | 11/20/15 3:43 AM

Every year, like clockwork, the ISPs begin to make inbox algorithms more restrictive in anticipation for the increasing holiday email volume. Every year email marketers at the average association send email per usual without making any changes for Q4.

All of a sudden... a few complaints make Sender Scores trend downward when Q1 - Q3 complaint rates were actually higher. Bounce rates increase because domains let in some but then bounce others when complaint rates reach their magic holiday glitter threshold. 

No, you didn't get on the naughty list, but the Holiday Inbox rules are different. Here are 3-Basic steps to ensure you are doing everything you can to optimize for reaching the inbox in Q4:

  1. Use DKIM/SPF and DMARC authentication.
  2. Create a suppression list of non-openers within the past 120-180 days to exclude from every send until after the holidays.
  3. Don't send to any lists that haven't been used in the last 2-3 months. This is not the time to cast the widest net to reach as many subscribers as possible and DO NOT purchase lists and send to them ever but especially now.

Best Inbox rates to you all and to all a good night!

For more holiday help, here are more warm and fuzzy HighRoad references:
DMARC Authentication
Q4 Deliverability
Holiday Prep