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3 Content Marketing Tips Every Business Needs To Know

Written by Liz Mackenzie | 2/23/17 8:30 PM

Content marketing is the wave of the future, according to some. Since we've trained ourselves to ignore traditional marketing (changing the channel when commercials come on, installing AdBlock on our devices, etc.), businesses have turned to content marketing as a kind of Trojan Horse. Because a how-to blog series about caring for roses doesn't look like an ad, but it's still influencing readers to see you as a professional source. It cultivates loyalty, so that when you do ask them to follow your social media pages, share your posts, or go to your website to make a purchase, they're more likely to do so.

Content marketing isn't easy, though. If you're throwing your hat in this ring, here are a few tips you should keep in mind.

3 Content Marketing Tips Every Business Needs To Know

Tip #1: It's All About The Customer

One of the primary mistakes you can make with content marketing is asking how you can get more out of your readers and viewers. The first thing you should ask, instead, is, "what does my audience want?" You need to make them love your content before you can ask them to patronize you. So make sure what you're giving them is top-quality content.

Tip #2: There's Nothing Wrong With A Niche

Lots of companies take the shotgun approach to content marketing, attempting to design content with such a broad appeal that everyone will like it. You will get better results appealing to a specific niche, though, and targeting exactly the sort of content they want. Whether that's video game reviews, makeup tutorials, or blogs about installing automotive aftermarket upgrades, there's nothing wrong with targeted content.

Tip #3: Make Calls to Action Clear, and Simple

If you get someone's attention with a piece of content, you should include a call to action. Tell them to do one thing, and make doing it as simple as possible. Whether it's liking your Facebook page, sharing this article, or going to your store, provide the link, and tell your audience what you want them to do. Otherwise you grabbed their interest, just to have them get away again.

For more content marketing tips and advice, simply contact us today!