BAM! (Better Association Marketing) from HighRoad Solution

Understanding Marketing Automation EBook

Written by Jeanette Hausner | 11/18/16 7:38 PM

The definition of marketing continues to evolve and the role of marketers continue to expand.  There was a time when marketers were simply brand builders.  With rapid advances in technology, today's marketer is also responsible for driving, scaling, and tracking growth.  Marketers are now in a position where they can reach out to all their customers and leads in a more personalized way, across multiple channels, with greater effectiveness.  Marketing automation makes this possible.  There is, however, still a lot of confusion about marketing automation.  So we put together an eBook on the basics, to give you a clearer understanding of what is involved.  Our eBook "Understanding Marketing Automation" explains what it really is and why you need it.  The information provided will give you a clear understanding about the benefits of marketing automation, as well as what the future holds for this technology.  This eBook is a valuable resource designed for association marketers and business professionals to further your understanding of marketing automation.


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